Becoming the most authentically expressed version of yourself is not curated through wishful thinking and repeating the same patterns that brought you to where you are now. Stepping into that version of you comes when you allow space for curiosity, grace and compassion. Curiosity about your inner critic and why you keep finding yourself repeating patterns that don’t feel self-honoring. Grace for your past and all that you’ve walked through. And compassion for who you are today - all parts of you. Only then will you have the expansive capacity for growth that will lovingly lead you toward new, self-honoring behaviors, a new definition of safety for your nervous system, and a wide open world of inner peace and joy.
Do you find yourself…
struggling to find the motivation to make positive changes on your own
dreaming of what life could be like once you’re happy or fulfilled
scared of allowing yourself to be vulnerable with others
feeling uneasy about or resistant to speaking up for what you need
using food to numb or social media to tune out when uncomfortable emotions come up
unable to make decisions that are in your highest good without the advice of others
feeling disconnected from your emotions - feeling numb or empty inside
guarding your heart because of painful breakups or heartache
trying to practice self-love and self-care without really knowing the why or how behind it
thinking you’ll finally be happy when you get the job, lose the weight, buy a house, get married
What if you knew you could…
be vulnerable without fear of being rejected or made fun of by others
allow space for all emotions, without labeling them as good or bad
walk away from people-pleasing by speaking your truth and sharing your authentic voice
honor yourself by practicing and maintaining healthy boundaries
self-soothe in ways that feel supportive rather than turning to food, alcohol, social media, etc when big emotions come up
become the creator of your own inner peace rather than chasing after it
learn to become the observer of your thoughts and get curious about them while no longer letting your inner critic define you and your worth
take a moment to pause and respond from a grounded place rather than one of anger, frustration or withdrawal when triggered
live a life that feels like EXPANSION, OPENNESS, JOY and FREEDOM
It’s time to step into a space where the possibilities for growth are endless.
Private coaching is an intimate, sacred space of personal healing and evolution. It’s where we take a deep exploratory dive into who you are and who you see yourself becoming. Together, we’ll gently and compassionately walk through the unconscious patterns and behaviors that have brought you from the past into your present, the thoughts and beliefs that prevent your heart and intuition from speaking loudly enough to quiet the ego, and conscious shifts that will pave the way for the most authentic expression of future you.
My role as your guide is one of support. I know how scary it can feel to vulnerably step forward into the unknown, but I also know how comforting it can be to feel seen and heard while on that path. All I ask is that you commit to yourself with curiosity - this is not an overnight transformation; it’s a gradual and steady evolution that remains possible when we release self-judgment and instead get curious about why we are the way we are.
The how-to guide for personal growth isn’t something handed out in school - we’re not taught how to consciously navigate our challenging emotions, inner critic or conditioned patterns. So many just accept that this is who they are - someone who always attracts the wrong partner, remains stuck in uninspiring jobs, struggles with body image, feels like they’re never moving forward, and can’t seem to find happiness no matter how hard they chase it.
Before beginning my journey of self-exploration I felt completely empty. All at once I found myself at the end of a long and unhealthy relationship, moving out of the home we shared after having just left my steady office job to pursue Pilates as a career. I thought I was broken, unfixable and unworthy of love. It wasn’t until I started to get curious about what had led me to where I was that I began to see the real me - the one hidden under all the people-pleasing, emotional eating, disassociation from my emotions and self-abandonment.
My curiosity helped me start to understand WHY I felt empty and numb. I began to see that I wasn’t broken and there was nothing to fix. I was instead ready to get to know myself on a soul level.
I feel that’s why you’re here too. You’re ready to get to know YOU, the real you who has big emotions, a huge heart, and an overwhelming desire to start being the creator of your most fulfilling life. You’re ready to explore your patterns and see what’s lying under your triggers because you know there’s more out there for you than what your reality currently looks like. You’re ready to soften the harshness of your inner critic and start viewing yourself with a more compassionate lens because you trust that there’s a way to start feeling worthy of love and abundance simply because you exist.
If you’re reading this and feel a “heck yes!” in your heart, know you’re ready for a change and trust that what’s on the other side feels incredible, send me a message and let’s chat about what working together will look like.
I currently offer 6 and 12 month options that include two private zoom calls per month. Any intuitive guidance or channeled messages received during these calls will be shared. Programs also include energy clearing practices, guided meditations and breathwork, email support, and relevant resources that can include articles, books, journal prompts, affirmation cards, and more.
6 month option: $400/month ($2,000 paid in full)
12 month option: $350/month ($3,400 paid in full)
Included in these programs:
Intuitive guidance
Psychic/channeled messages
Somatic practices to connect heart + body
Energy clearing practices
Guided meditations + breathwork